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Default calendars

What are Default Calendars?

Default calendars are system-wide or group-specific calendars that can be automatically assigned to users, ensuring they have the necessary schedules without manual intervention.


  • Marketing Calendar – The marketing calendar should be accessible to the entire marketing team. When a new marketer joins, Jira automatically adds this calendar to their account, eliminating the need for manual assignment.

  • Study Calendar – As a course administrator, you want all students to always have an up-to-date schedule. By setting up a default training calendar, it will be automatically available to all students.

How to Create a Default Calendar

Note: Administrative rights in Jira are required.

  1. Navigate to Settings → Manage apps → DOITBETTER CALENDAR → Default Calendars.

  2. Click "Add Default Calendars".

  3. Select the calendar and the user group to which it should be assigned.

  4. (Optional) Enable the "Always add" checkbox:

    • If checked, the calendar will be added even for users who already have other calendars.

    • If unchecked, the calendar will be assigned only to users who currently have no calendars.


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