Create meeting room
let's create the first meeting room. Users with create permission of location can create rooms.
Name - You should name the room so that your employees understand it.
Address - The room is located by the Green Palm next to the seat of the Fred Sysadmin.
Room capacity - How many people are comfortable meeting in a room?
Options - What equipment and amenities are available in your room?
The start and end dates - are the dates when your room is open for reservations.
Room notes - This is additional information that needs to be communicated to the bookers, for example, about the existing restrictions.
Room photo - helps to understand what you are booking clearly. Does the room meet your requirements?
Room bookers - people who can book a room.
Room bookers feature often needed to restrict room access to certain people. Top management room. Training room. Psychologist's room.
All staff cannot book these rooms.