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2-way sync with Google Calendar

All Jira Calendar users can manage their projects directly from Google Calendar thanks to the app's two-way syncing capabilities.

Syncable data includes:

from “Calendar for Jira”

from “Google Calendar”

Event Dates

Event Dates

Issue Dates (with info fields)

Issue Dates

New Events

New Issues

All events in the synchronized google calendar will be created only from Jira; any new events added directly to the google calendar will be ignored.

How to enable Google Calendar sync for your Cloud Jira Instance?

Make sure that you have jira-administrator privileges.

  • Go to Settings->Apps->DOITBETTER CALENDAR->Export

  • Enable Google Calendar two-way sync toggle.

How to set up calendar synchronization with Google Calendar?

Let's start setting up synchronization. This happens in a couple of stages.

  1. Select the calendar you want to sync.

  2. Check the required rights to manage your Google account.

  3. Wait 30 seconds for your Jira data to appear in Google Calendar.

How to stop syncing with Google Calendar?

Select a calendar and click on the button “Stop Sync with Google"

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